P (978) 465-0065 | F (978) 465-0119
As a Montessori school, River Valley Charter School is committed to holistic education. This means that we are committed to providing students with learning opportunities in addition to academic learning. The school has invested heavily in its specials programming which includes traditional subject such as art, music, and physical education, as well as technology, engineering, and library sciences.
Our kinderhaus students participate in art, music and physical education as well as library and social skills programming. Particularly popular is the "Buddies" programming wherein middle school students are "buddied" up with kinderhaus students for specials. One example of an Art Buddies activity included portrait drawing. Students were provided lessons in portrait drawing and then the middle school buddy draws a portrait of their kinderhaus buddy, and vice versa.
In the elementary program (grades 1-6), students have weekly classes in art, music, and physical education, as well as engineering. Students in grades 1-3 participate in library; students in grades 1-2 have supplemental literacy focused classes as well. Students in grades 3-6 have a weekly technology class. Students in grades 4-6 have a lab-based special in science to augment the science instruction that occurs in the general education classroom.
At the middle school level, grades 7-9, students are participate in five days of "Spelectives". Spelectives are "special-electives" which provide middle school students with additional choice. Students are required to select one spelective in each of the core special areas of art, music and physical education and then select two additional specials in areas that they have interest or aptitude. Spelective offerings have included courses in yoga, photography, rock climbing, CPR, sports, ukulele, drumming, cooking, robotics, fibers, drama and improvisation, etc.)
River Valley Charter School has an extensive music program that includes:
River Valley Charter School has an after school enrichment program that runs in multi-week cycles. Typical cycles are 8-weeks long but are adjusted to accommodate holidays and school vacations. Examples of past Enrichment offerings include: Jellies and Jams, Floor Hockey, Crafts, etc.