P (978) 465-0065 | F (978) 465-0119
7:00 am - 8:10 am
Register HERE.
Families intending to access the Before Care Program must complete this registration form and pay a $20.00 fee.
Registration Fee per family: $20.00
For students arriving between 7:00-7:30 is $12.00
For students arriving between 7:31-8:10 is $7.00
Families will be emailed an invoice at the end of each month (starting Oct. 1st). Payments can be made online or through the Business Office.
Student should enter through the side door ("sun door") when they arrive. Before Care is located at the end of the first-floor hallway.
Before Care is offered every day in which the school is open for students, with the exception of the last day of school. If school is delayed or cancelled because of inclement weather, the Before Care Program will be cancelled.
Starting on Sept. 11, 2023
Register through BCGLMV
BGCLMV will provide a bus to come and pick up our students from school after dismissal. The transportation form and fees are located on their website (see FORMS).
Membership fee: $50
Transportation fee: $1,250 for the school year
Questions? Contact Program Director Katy Beal
*All registration and payments will be made directly to the Boys & Girls Club.