P (978) 465-0065 | F (978) 465-0119
River Valley Charter School is a public school. Any student living in the state of Massachusetts is eligible to apply for enrollment. Students from the chartered region are given enrollment preference. The chartered region includes the districts of:
Applicants must be a resident of Massachusetts at the time of application and during their entire tenure at RVCS. Currently attending students maintain their enrollment status regardless if they move out of the chartered region so long as they remain residents of Massachusetts.
All applications must be accompanied by proof of residency (except in the case of homeless students. Kindergarten applications must be accompanied by a copy of the child’s birth certificate as well. Children who do not have a birth certificate (as in the case of some adoptions) may submit a doctor’s note indicating student age or provide other legal documentation. Proof of residency can be offered in the form of a utility bill (excluding water or cell phone bills), a rental, lease or Section 8 agreement, a landlord affidavit, a deed or mortgage payment (dated within the past 60 days), a real estate tax statement (dated within the last year), a W2 form (dated within the year), a payroll stub (dated within the past 60 days), or a letter from an approved governmental agency (such as the Department of Revenue, Children and Family Services, Transitional Assistance, Youth Services, or Social Security). Students who do not live in Massachusetts will be informed that they are not eligible for admission.
Applications are accepted for students entering grades K-8. Complete and valid applications will be included in the lottery and applicants will be offered admission when there are spots available (for kindergarten this occurs annually and typically includes 32 spots).
Students seeking enrollment in the Kindergarten program (Kinderhaus) must be five years old on or before September 1 for the year in which they are applying. Student age will be verified via the birth certificate during the application process. Applications for grades 1-8 will be placed in the lottery based on the last grade successfully completed.
Caregivers are required to keep RVCS informed of residency and/or grade changes (as might occur if a student is retained or if the family moves). If the student’s grade level does not correspond to the opening, the enrollment offer will be void and the student must reapply for the correct grade the following year.
Should an applicant be placed on the waitlist and an offer of admission be made 60 days after the lottery, RVCS will request re-submission of proof of residency before confirming the admission offer. If proof of residency cannot be confirmed, the enrollment offer will be void. Although RVCS is a regional charter school enrolling students from Newburyport and the districts of Amesbury, Pentucket, and Triton, transportation services are only made available to residents of Newburyport.
River Valley Charter School does not require potential students or their families to attend interviews or informational meetings as a condition of enrollment, nor does the school administer tests to potential applicants or predicate enrollment on results from any test of ability or achievement. Further, RVCS does not charge an application fee, nor use financial incentives to recruit students, nor does the school request financial donations or commitments of volunteer time as part of the enrollment process.
Students with diverse learning needs, including students who may have disabilities, may require special education, are English language learners, and/or are economically disadvantaged, are encouraged to apply and will receive appropriate accommodations and support services.