Tampa Catholic High School


Applications for enrollment are accepted year-round for grade K-8 students and can be submitted either in person, via postal mail, or online. All required enrollment materials must be received by the stated deadline to be entered in the lottery. Incomplete applications will not be entered in the lottery.

River Valley Charter School is not responsible for applications or supporting documentation that are not received by the deadline or are lost in the mail.

Should there be an RVCS snow day or a state-mandated emergency closing, the application deadline will be extended to 4:00 p.m. the following school day. Additional school closures will push the entire process forward by one school day. A delayed opening will have no impact on the process.

Complete applications include: the enrollment application, proof of residency and a copy of the child’s birth certificate or an equivalent legal document (for kindergarten applicants).

Applications need be submitted by only one parent/guardian unless a court order indicates otherwise. All information requested in the application and during the enrollment process, such as language spoken at home or race/ethnicity, is not intended, and will not be used to discriminate. Applications do not require a student’s social security number.

A unique application number is assigned to each application and will be emailed to the address given on the application. 

Applicants who apply for admission and are not offered a spot need to submit a new application every year if they remain interested in the school. 

Students who are currently enrolled and who are returning to RVCS need not reapply. 

Apply Online

Students with diverse learning needs, including students who may have disabilities, may require special education, are English language learners, and/or are economically disadvantaged, are encouraged to apply and will receive appropriate accommodations and support services. 


Siblings receive preference in admission over non-siblings.

Siblings, as defined by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education are children who share a common biological or legal guardian (as in through adoption), as opposed to children who live in the same household but do not share a common biological or legal guardian. 

Receive Sibling Preference Do Not Receive Sibling Preference
Children who live in different households but share a common biological or legal parent Children who live in the same household but do not share a common biological or legal parent
Siblings of students who are due to graduate at the end of the school year in which the lottery is held Foster children
If a student moves out of the local city or town but remains enrolled, that student’s siblings have preference in admission even though they are nonresidents at the time of application Siblings of alumni/ae
Siblings of applicants who have been accepted for admission but are not yet attending (including twins)


Each year, RVCS will determine the number of spaces available in each grade. The lottery will be held at the end of the enrollment period and is a random selection process that results in a completely unbiased ranking of applicants within each grade.

The lottery will be conducted via Zoom with an unbiased third party not affiliated with RVCS certifying that the process is fair and selection is random. Caregivers are not required to attend the lottery to be considered for admission but are welcome should they wish to attend. 


All eligible applicants will be entered into one lottery by grade for which they are applying. The lottery consists of random shuffling of the unique application numbers. The applicants are then put into sequential order to establish the original random rank order. After this random rank order has been established, preferences for admission (siblings, then residents, then non-residents) will be applied.


Offers of admission will be made via phone or email and are valid for five school days during the school year and for five business days during the summer. If a caregiver does not respond to the offer within the time frame, the applicant's name will be removed from the waitlist. 


Students not offered admission during the lottery shall be placed on a waitlist in the order the names were selected, while taking into account sibling and resident preference (both of which may change over time). The lottery process described above will occur for each grade. If RVCS determines that no seats are available for a specific grade, the lottery will determine the initial waitlist order for that grade.

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