Tampa Catholic High School


Our Comprehensive Grounds Redesign Plan for the RVCS campus is underway! We are using this opportunity to reimagine our school campus as a vibrant place for students to learn and play. The goal of the Comprehensive Grounds Redesign Plan is to look closely at our campus and understand how we can create an outside space that meets our needs including: play and learning spaces, gardens and greenspace, stormwater management, and parking and traffic flow. 

We hired Copley Wolff to be our Landscape Architects and on April 30th they hosted a fun community event called VISION! We loved hearing your ideas and seeing the great activities that Copley Wolff had at each station. There is still time to add your voice to the vision.   If you have more thoughts percolating from last night, please send them to Copley Wolff via this SURVEY. If you weren’t able to make it, please add your thoughts and let us know if you want to connect - we will have the boards placed around school for the next week.

Save the date and register for the design REVEAL on June 6th, 2024 from 5:30-7:30pm at Mill 77 Brewing in Amesbury where Copley Wolff will unveil the plan for our new campus grounds! This is a free event for adults; babysitting options will be available so stay tuned! 

Thank you for your support in this exciting process. Interested in helping us plan or want to volunteer at the REVEAL event? Please reach out to Jonnie Lyn Evans to get involved.

Curious to learn a bit more about this “grounds redesign project” you’re starting to hear about? Watch the 3 minute video below featuring parent Lydia Sisson and our director Jonnie Lyn Evans! They’ll share the 4 components of the project, how it all came to be, and more!

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